Thursday, April 23, 2020

Another Day in April

BARK AND THE MOON:  Annabelle has another Gage Art Academy "Art to Go" watercolor class under her belt. Yesterday's exercise was painting a trio of birch trees against a night sky.

I apologize, my photo of her finished work (above) doesn't do it justice. The color is off, and the paper was warped. (We need to look into the best way to flatten a dry watercolor painting.)

Once again, she took the class online, and it was just an hour from blank paper to finished painting. Pretty cool!

ATTA BOY: Yesterday CJ received an email from South Seattle College with some kudos.

Way to go, Mr. CJ! Keep up the good work!

LOCAL HISTORY: A photo popped out at me this morning from the Seattle Vintage Facebook Group. 

It was a picture of boats circling 'round the grounds of what we now know as Memorial Stadium, a multi-use sports field, at Seattle Center.

The boats, complete with waterskiers, were part of the festivities for the 1962 World's Fair.

I showed the kids the photo, covering up where it was taken. CJ correctly guessed the location, no doubt with help from a familiar-looking Key Arena roof in the background.
Someone replied to the photo post with a link to a YouTube video of the boats and waterskiing show. We watched it, mouths agape. Man, those waterskiiers could have been seriously injured whipping around that 'track,' so close to concrete walls. Yikes.

WALK SPOTTING: We took the poopies (our dogs) for a loop this afternoon. It had been a couple of days since our last loop, so it was nice to see what was blooming this go 'round.

The irises at the end of our driveway are about to pop.
We checked out a neighbor's back yard from a distance. I spotted a hive when we drove by a few days back. It turns out there are two of them. We couldn't see any bees, but the hives were about 50 feet away, and it was cloudy and not warm. Would it be creepy to take binoculars and scope out the hives?
Probably. So, we'll wait for a sunny day and see if we can spot any bee activity.

In one neighbor's yard, Annabelle saw a butterfly flitting about. She soon realized it was a bit of yard art than an actual insect.
If you listen closely, you can hear Annabelle say, "Kirby, no," during the video.

The dog probably thinks KirbyNo is her name. ...

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