Friday, April 17, 2020

Home School

ART TO GO: Twice this week, Annabelle was able to sit in on a class called "Art to Go." Offered by Gage Academy of Art. It's a bricks-and-mortar school in Seattle, but, like nearly everything else, it has been shot down due to COVID-19. However, the school has turned to the Internet to offer their classes at the present. Most of them involve a fee, but we got lucky and heard about this series of free classes in time to get one of the available slots. 

So far, both classes she took were using watercolors. The first one was a snowy scene. 
Immediately above was the scene in its early stages. I was really impressed with her final product (it's atop this post). She hasn't used watercolors much, but seems to have taken to them right away!

The classes are hosted live, and they're about an hour long. 

Today, artists were tasked with sketching and then painting a little birdie.
Below is her mostly-done work. The texture you see are grains of salt. Apparently those are used to evoke a snowflake effect. 
SAY WHAT?: CJ had Japanese class in the form of a Zoom meeting this morning. The professor hosted a lecture, and as part of the class, she paired participants to practice speaking Japanese with one another. I had no idea that could be done within the Zoom world - pretty nifty feature!

For his homework, CJ had to record himself answering some questions in Japanese. 
The questions are: What your name? When is your birthday? What kind of person is your mother? and Do you like studying Kanji?

His answers were: Namae wa kurisuchan kisukii desu, Tanjoubi wa shigatsu hatsuka desu, Haha wa shurui hito desu., and Hai! Kanji o benkyousuru suki desu.

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