Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sign of the Times

BATMAN FOREVER: This message is on the marquee of the historic Kiggins Theatre in the smallish town where I grew up. Its sentiment is powerful ... but I also wear the mask to protect perfect strangers. Everyone deserves that kind of consideration and respect. 

Speaking of masks, how do you like CJ's new look?

IT IS WRITTEN: Annabelle recently wrapped up a two-month class on Outschool. It was our first experience with this pay-for-classes platform. 

Following, she tells you more about it. 
My Creative Writing-character building and story development class on Outschool was an opportunity for me to learn from an actual published author (Jessika O'Sulliva) about what goes into good character arcs, character-driven stories, and how to brainstorm new ideas. The class lasted about 8 weeks, meeting once a week over Zoom in the mornings 
During the class, most of our homework was dedicated to brainstorming short scenes or arcs for our already established WIP characters and stories that we came into the class already writing. Jessika coached us through different ways you can develop a story, including everything from dramatic events that can kickstart your character’s journey to how to pitch your finished product to agents for publishing. I learned a lot about the writing process during this class, and I feel like I can use the information I’ve been given to really improve my stories and ideas in the future.
TAKING STOCK: Most all of our shelves are in, so we're starting to fill them in our new storage space off the kitchen. 

I do wish I had found flooring already. Because when I do, all of this is going to have to come back out. Sigh. 

1 comment:

  1. Does Annabelle know she lives with a published author?
