Thursday, July 30, 2020

Of Sloths and Dogs

SLOTH LIKE: We're glad that a favorite non profit, Birthday Dreams, is back to accepting donations. Annabelle signed us up for a sloth-themed cake. How fun and unique.
We drew up a few different schematics, and finally wound up with the idea of a sloth hanging from a tree, with a couple of sloth friends down below.
The rocks are chocolate, the path is brown sugar, and the sloths are all edible modeling chocolate and marshmallow fondant. 

It took a little engineering to make sure the tree could support the hanging sloth.
Christian delivered the cake with the kids. He took numerous photos of it, but there must have been something on his lens or something because most all of them are super blurry or otherwise not OK, unfortunately. So we don't have a photo of the finished cake. :( Use your imagination.

And yes, those are Tootsie Rolls as the border around the cake bottom.

DOG DAY: We were headed home last night around 7 after enjoying a tabletop card game and some sodas and a couple of pints at a local place (outdoors and super socially distanced) when our trajectory changed a bit. We came off the freeway and Christian exclaimed, "There's a dog!"

We're all about dog spotting and saw this tiny white turbo running toward us across 5 lanes of traffic. "Pull over!" I screamed at Christian, who was driving. We flipped a U-turn and backtracked to get ahead of the running dog. Annabelle and I jumped out of the car and basically the little guy ran into her arms.
He had no collar, bad teeth, long nails, not neutered. ... But he is the sweetest boy!

We brought him home, fed him, watered him, and took him on a walk with our two dogs. Tuk, BY FAR, was the best behaved of the three. (I named him Tuk because we found him in Tukwila.)

CJ spent the night in the basement with Tuk. The dog was so polite. Didn't jump up on furniture unless invited. Was stoic and quiet (until, after a bit, we'd leave him in the basement alone for awhile. Then he'd bark for companionship).

Around noon today, the kids and Christian too Tuk to a local shelter. 
On the way there he got to live his best life, head hanging out the car window.

The shelter folks were nice and encouraging, per Christian. They told him they were almost certain Tuk would be adopted if he's not reunited with his owner. Christian left our contact info just in case. It's not a no kill shelter, and Tuk doesn't deserve that end. 

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