Thursday, July 9, 2020

Sign of the Times

KEYS TO THE CITY: Yesterday evening we were out looking for some good takeout (that ended up being an epic quest) and out of nowhere, CJ said, "There's the Key Arena sign." 

I had heard earlier in the day that the iconic keys and Key Arena signage were coming down. It didn't say when or where they were going, but lo and behold, when we were on Marginal Way just south of The Museum of Flight around 8 p.m., there the keys were.

Turns out trucks were taking them to Tube Arts, a neon sign business.

I wonder where they'll wind up. Maybe the MOHAI, the Museum of History and Industry?

Amazon bought naming rights for the remodeled historic Key Arena. The new name is Climate Pledge Arena. I'm all for climate change awareness, but that name ... on that arena. Awkward, at best, IMHO.

Click here to see cool photos of the keys coming down:

Per press releases, goals for the arena are to be 100% powered by renewable electricity by 2024. They're also for a zero-carbon footprint, produce zero waste, source food locally and all single-use plastics will be eliminated.

Yesterday, the Washington State Fair announced this year's fair is cancelled for the first time since World War II.

We have so many fond memories of trips to the fair. And today, we actually tried to tap into that - there was a pop up "fair food" food truck at the Walmart down the hill from us. 

I was working and couldn't escape, but Christian took the kids down there midday. Christian reports it was "the longest line I've ever seen."

I thought that might have been a bit dramatic, but between social distancing and it being at a Walmart, it probably looked like that.

So, the family came home with no scones, but the fact of the matter is, they're barely glorified biscuits, and you can buy the mix at countless local stores. Also, The mix is available on Amazon. 

1 comment:

  1. Had my first scone in the Food Fair at the World's Fair
