Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Spoke too Soon

LITTLE GREENIE: A couple of days ago I was lamenting the end of our gardening season and the fact that we haven't a single squash.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when taking the dogs out for their morning water when I spied this little green guy.


It's pathetic, but we'll take it! 

CUT THE CORD: A little hiccough here. ... We worked so hard Saturday helping make 80+ meals for Teen Feed, all I wanted to do Sunday was sit and watch football. I was preparing to do just that for the Seahawks' kickoff when we lost signal.

It happened to coincide with our neighbor going gangster on trimming a tree where our fiber optic cable runs. :(

Well, accidents happen, and so we call, chat and text CenturyLink to find out they can't have a repair person out here for EIGHT DAYS!

Um, Christian and I both work at home and our kids are both doing distance learning, with CJ's college starting today. That's not acceptable.

However, that's what it is after repeated please for help. Awful, horrible and terribly inconvenient.

For now, we're limping by with hotspots on our phones, paying more for our T - Mobile, but that's not sustainable. 

$#&+@ pandemic.

So, expect even less blogging from now to who knows when. It's all via my phone for now.

1 comment:

  1. 8 days is not good service. Will they give you a 25% break on your bill? BWAHAHAHAhaha. Sob
