Saturday, February 13, 2021


SNOW ZONE: It was snowing sideways last night when we went to bed, with winter storm warnings hanging over our heads.

This morning we woke up to a blanket of white - and a truck stuck in the street out in front of our house. There were two guys having no luck whatsoever getting it unstuck. Enter Christian, the hero, heading down the driveway with two shovels and some muscles. They dug out around the tires and then the three of them pushed.

Success! The guys were on their way!

Meanwhile, out back, Captain Kirk was keeping an eye on the depth of our snow.

By mid afternoon, he was looking a little worse for the wear. The snow is significantly deeper than our Kirk indicator, but a lot of it was blown away from him.
The kids had the perfect snowy day dessert last night, big ol' mugs of hot chocolate.

ARTFUL MATH: From a social media post, I learned about a neat-o website today, "Artful Maths."

It has lesson plans about projects where math and art intersect. We haven't tried any of them yet, but I wanted to park this here, so we can come back to it and give some of them a go.

In other math news, we spent a fair amount of our snow day doing math that was decidedly not artsy.

In their current math chapter, CJ and Annabelle are having all sorts of fun with the 'simplex method' and tableaus. Good times (she says, sarcastically).

The textbook they are using doesn't do nearly a good enough job explaning the concepts, let alone the solutions. We turned to YouTube for help. Fortunately, Annabelle found this video.  
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Actually, it was one video in a series of the FIVE videos it took to solve one problem! 

We watched them all and it paid off. Doing the homework problems was no problem afterward.

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