Monday, March 1, 2021

Contemplating College

DOTTED LINE: Saturday morning CJ made it official. He accepted his offer for admission to the University of Washington! He'll be attending classes on the Tacoma campus (if the pandemic allows), majoring in history with a museum studies minor.

It's exciting to have that decision made, and now he can start planning for fall and beyond. It was great he had more than one good choice for college, and it's really great the was accepted by the school/program he was most interested in attending.

In the meantime, he still has to finish strong at South Seattle, and will be signing up for his final quarter there in the next couple of days. 

Saturday morning Annabelle sat in on an online Running Start presentation by Bellevue College, where she'll be starting this fall. 

TEEN FEED TIME: February 27 was the fourth Saturday of the month, which means Teen Feed time for our family. On the menu this month was a fried chicken dinner, with mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, and some pie for dessert.

Looks pretty tasty, doesn't it? The dinner on the left was our vegan option, while the right is the standard fare. 
We made 15 pounds of mashed potatoes for the meal. CJ and Annabelle each did a fair amount of peeling for that. 
We also made 20 pounds of green beans with bacon and butter. Lots of butter. :)
Dinner service is at 6:30. It's still a to go service because of COVID, so everything goes into a to go container. In total, thanks to everyone's donations, we had enough food for 90 meals, and some happy diners were able to have seconds.
ARTS AND CRAFTS: Sunday afternoon the kids participated in a draw along hosted by The Museum of Flight via Microsoft Teams online. 

An artist gave tips as they sketched a Mars rover from a still photo. Annabelle's work-in-progress is below.

And here is CJ's rover.

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