Monday, April 26, 2021

Done and Done

TWO DOWN: As of last Friday, we four have all had our second doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Yay for that! 

What wasn't as 'yay' was how we felt afterward. I'd say CJ weathered the reaction best. He had no real complaints, except a mild headache the morning after. Annabelle had a bigger headache and a mild fever the first night.

I was soooo tired, dizzier than usual, and had random neck pain. Christian had all of that, but to a larger degree, poor guy. He and I were feeling pretty puny on Friday, and slightly less awful on Saturday, which is a good thing, because we had to make sure 80 homeless teens got fed that night. Which brings me to our next topic. ...

FEEDING TEENS: I didn't really feel like it, but I was up and at it Saturday a.m. at 7, making 25 pounds of beef barbacoa (it was delicious), as well as mountains of rice (over 40 cups of cooked) and some seasoned black beans (they were six pounds when they were dry) from scratch. When the rest of the troop upped, they pitched in and helped, as well. A couple of hours before meal service, we wrapped all that goodness up into platter sized tortillas. I'm guessing the burritos weighed about three pounds apiece.

Meanwhile, up north, Kennedy was working on his own batch of burritos. He went with a Denver omelette-inspired recipe. Lots of potato, scrambled eggs, ham, peppers, onions and more. They looked and smelled so good!
Dinner included some healthy fruit ... 
and some less healthy nachos, ha ha. There were lots of chips complete with salasa, jalapenos, sour cream and some bonus hot sauce packets.
And there were also beautiful desserts. My friend Anna made over 50 cute little cinnamon apple tres leches cakes in cute little tins.
And my friend Irene made some beautiful chocolate mousse cups in fancy little glass jars. 

All in all, it was a big hit with the kids. Three different Teen Feed staffers came to the kitchen to report how much the meal was adored by our hungry diners. So yay for that!

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