Thursday, August 19, 2021

Out of the Loop

CAKE AND COOKIES: We have been baking and making a *lot* this past month. Our latest big project was a cake for a friend's son's birthday. He wanted a "Space Jam" theme (after the two animated movies of the same title). 

The cake itself was pretty straightforward. Three layers of vanilla cake stacked, and then airbrush painted in blue tones. 

The basketball atop it was a big Rice Krispies treat covered in our fondant. To support the weight of the ball, we had three straws in the cake tier, and then to help keep the basketball in place, there was a rod sticking up from the cake tier into the basketball.

For even more fun, we complimented the cake with Space Jam cookies. Most featured Looney Tunes characters, who star in the latest movie along with NBA star LeBron James. 
Annabelle did the outlining of the characters and I colored them in.  Isn't her LeBron amazing?

We hope the birthday boy enjoyed his cake!

HANDY: Annabelle is in her last week of work as a lunch program worker for Seattle Parks and Recreation. She'll be sorry to see it end. She has really enjoyed the experience, and I have no doubt they have enjoyed having her there. I'm pretty certain she's the only new hire that has actually been at work every day she was scheduled for the entire shift.

One of the things she's spent a lot of time working on is making how to videos for kids to complete crafts at home. 

If you want to check some of them out, go to the White Center Teen Program's YouTube channel:

Below is one of the videos Annabelle and her team recently complete. It's about how to paint a Pokemon Jigglypuff character on a rock. (She wasn't pleased with the quality of paint she had to use, by the way.)


THE EYES HAVE IT: Nine days. I do believe this is the longest stretch I've ever gone without a post since staring this blog.

It's true that since COVID hit and we're not out and about nearly as much as we used to be that I don't post as often. However, this post is especially overdue because of my continued bad luck health wise. The latest challenge involves my left eye.

To sum it up, I'll just go ahead and quote the optometrist I saw yesterday. "You ripped your whole cornea off!"

Those are words you never want to hear from an eye doctor.

Fortunately, she was a tad hyperbolic. The *whole* thing isn't ripped off, 'just' the top half is severely torn/detached. 

Talk about bad luck.

It is just bad luck. It happened in my sleep Sunday night/Monday morning. I just woke up in intense pain and it got worse as the day went on.  By Monday early afternoon, I was walking around the house with my left eye closed, sunglasses on and a towel over my head, any light hurt so bad. Even laying on the couch downstairs in the dark basement, with sunglasses on and both eyes closed, when Christian switched to a different view on his computer screen to an image with a lot of bright white, I winced and groaned with the slightest of pupil dilations.  

We decided an urgent care visit was in order. The first place we went was full (likely 'thanks' to COVID's delta strain), but I got into a new Zoom Care in Tukwila. The young PA put some dye in my eye, looked at it with a UV light, and said she could see an abrasion. She said she didn't have good eye tools though, and referred me to an eye doctor, and said to go within 48 hours. She gave me some antibiotic drops and I was on my way.

Unfortunately, things weren't much better by Tuesday, so I made an appointment for Wednesday at a place in Tukwila. The young optometrist pretty much recoiled when she looked at my eye with her naked eyes. And then after she put some dye in and did the exam with the fancy equipment, that's when she declared, "You ripped your whole cornea off!"

That was a little shocking. No wonder it hurt so much, ha ha.

Regarding the injury, I am going to go ahead and guess it had something to do with all the smoke in the air recently. I'm really sensitive to it, especially my left eye. That, and it has been hot, so we've had a floor fan in our room at night, basically pointed at my face. I'm guessing my eye got inflamed and dried out, fused to the eyelid, and then ripped. The optometrist agreed that was likely. 

She said it's starting to heal, but because it's such a jagged tear, it won't be a nice clean scar, and I'll be more prone to doing that in the future. Super. She gave me some steroid eyedrops to help with the healing. Of course now my eye hurts again due to all the poking and prodding. 🙁

After my appointment I messaged my sister to let her know what happened. Coincidentally, she was on the way to her eye doctor for a routine check up. "I'll have to tell him this!" she declared. 

Later, she reported that the very first thing at her visit, she and her husband had to fill out an eye dryness survey - something they've never done before. She said she told her doctor what had happened to me, and "he said smoke, dry air - especially from fans - are a real hazard for this exact problem now."


She also reported, "My doctor said there are more nerves there than anywhere else in the body and that the pain is worse than childbirth."

I would actually have to agree with that, as well. If we hadn't had some Tylenol 3 'in stock' (leftovers from a procedure where it wasn't used post op), I think I would have wound up in the emergency room. I have never taken Tylenol 3 before in my life, but in 24 hours I took three of them to try to help with the pain.

I am not gonna lie, I have been singing the chorus to this song over the past few days.

But enough about me. :)

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