Today's topic was energy - specifically exothermic and endothermic reactions caused by mixing common household ingredients.
The first experiment was dousing steel wool with vinegar and then wrapping the steel wool around a thermometer and seeing if its temperature goes up or down. (It went up - an exothermic reaction.) The next experiment was mixing yeast with vinegar (big foam and fizz, creating an exothermic reaction). The final experiment was mixing water with baking soda, sugar and lemon juice, creating a lemon fizz drink (it cooled slightly - endothermic).
When it came to paying attention and following directions, this was by far the best class for CJ to date. I could see him drift a couple of times, but I also saw that he snapped himself back to the here-and-now when it happened. He asked questions and offered answers and even sampled the lemon fizz drink (very uncharacteristic of He Who Will Only Drink Water).
TICKET TAKERS: This afternoon the kids and I went on a scavenger hunt of sorts, except the only places we called on were Starbucks' stores and the only items we were after were coupons for free Seattle Mariners' tickets. They were being offered as part of Starbucks' "We Love You (Seattlites)" Fridays. A limited quantity of Ms tix were being offered at participating Starbucks this afternoon starting at 2 p.m. They were being doled out one per customer.
Our first stop was the Starbucks in Magnolia "Village." We got our tix there by 2:05 p.m. and then it was off to the races and the Starbucks on Dravus, in Interbay. We got there by 2:15, and there was a line, but we scored another three tickets.
Not ready to call it good, I figured we'd head down 15th Avenue toward the Magnolia Bridge and hit the Starbucks there. Another line, but with just 5 more minutes of our time we scored 3 more tickets. Yee haw!

This morning thanks to a post on FreeStuffTimes (a great site for freebies of all kinds!) I was reminded there is a Lowe's "Build and Grow" workshop this Saturday. The kids participated in one a few months back (building a transforming "Lowes-bot: car/robot) and enjoyed it, and I've been meaning to get back to it.
The project this week is building a catapult. I thought this would be a great thing for MPA to have to mess around with and conduct some experiments. So, we'll be at Lowe's in the morning.BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE TO FLY: Regular readers will know that we've had a butterfly project going on for what seems like months now. It started with receiving larvae in the mail. They grew and then transformed to chrysalids in a special cup that came with the kit.
Right before we left for Florida, we transfered the cocoons from the cup to the butterfly habitat (a small tube covered in netting. We were just sure that the butterflies were going to emerge in our absence. However, upon our arrival, the chrysalids were hanging there, just like we left 'em. To be honest, I was semi-sure they were gonzo. ...However, this afternoon, the miracle of life was played out right under our spiral staircase. Two - and then three - butterflies emerged. Cool! We're pulling for the other two cocoons to come through overnight. ...
DUE PROCESS: I'm trying to get right on getting our Florida field trip photos organized. There are so many, it's a daunting task. Each one has to be checked out and corrected (color, contrast, etc.) in Photoshop, and then resized so that I can get 4x6 prints (in most cases). I spent probably 4 hours on it today and I'm about 1/5 of the way done, I'd estimate.
Here are links to low-rez slideshows of what I've got so far. ... They're on Walgreen's site (where I had 'em printed). If you're registered with Walgreen's you can see them. If not, either register (it's quick, easy and free) or just stay tuned, I'll be putting them in a no-registration required album before too terribly long.
ARRIVAL (travel/first day) PRINTS
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