Monday, May 17, 2010

Winter in Florida

The Clearwater motel we stayed in was called Pelican Pointe. Easy to see why ... although these aren't pelicans, this was the first thing I saw when we walked across the street to the beach, and there were numerous pelicans to be seen.

CLEARWATER: This morning the kids had a dream come true - they got to visit Winter the dolphin at the Clearwater Aquarium.

What makes Winter special? It's her tail, or lack thereof.
She lost her tail to a tightly wrapped crab trap line and was rescued and brought to the aquarium. Clearwater Marine Aquarium is not a Seaworld-type operation. It's really a marine research, rescue and rehabilitation hospital, and the specimens that can't be returned to the wild are kept on site. They serve as attractions to bring admission paying public in, which helps to fund the whole operation.

We got to the facility as soon as it opened on a stormy Monday morning and we were the only car in the parking lot. Cool! So we had the run of the place to ourselves for the first hour.

We paid the extra for a "behind the scenes" tour of the place. It was another $10 each well spent - and certainly the $ goes for a good cause. We had a private tour guide take us through the exhibits and through "staff only" areas, including the kitchen, where the marine patients' food is prepped, as well as the hospital, where procedures are performed.

Within two minutes of beginning the tour, the tour guide (a woman in her late 40s) began directing most of her narrative toward Annabelle the Inquisitor. About five minutes into the tour the guide told Annabelle she was "absolutely brilliant" and the woman began introducing Annabelle around to coworkers as "the most brilliant 5-year-old I've ever met." :)

One of the things the Clearwater Aquarium has done for Winter is to fit her with a prosthetic tail. It's an amazing device, and some of the technology used to manufacture it has since been used for human prosthetics.
Here's some video of Indy "walking" on his tail...

And then a short of the ever popular splash the crowd trick ...

After Clearwater we were off to pay homage to the Corporate Gods - Disney and Nickelodeon. ... Details to come.


  1. There is little doubt she's the most articulate 5 year old. And among the most brilliant. I think the Winter story is inspiring. Thanks. What a great day.

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