Monday, April 18, 2011

The Runaround

PROJECTING: There was no rest for MPA this weekend. The kids worked like dogs on their book projects. CJ spent hours and hours on Saturday on his book "Lolly Learns a Lesson." I loved it when he kept saying, "I want to put extra effort into it." :)

Sunday, attention turned to Annabelle's project - she's doing a story about a Gingerbread girl who flies a kite and goes airborne when a gust comes up.The project involved baking gingerbread cookies, making lots of fondant, crafting kites and taking pictures at various points around Seattle, and some Photoshopping - all stuff she's done lots of before. Tomorrow she just needs to add the text (which she's written already) and make a cover and she'll done.

CONSOLATION: This afternoon Rick brought over his old Nintendo 64 console and some games to loan long term to CeeJ and Bee. The kids (CJ especially) were jazzed about having another vintage system in the collection. I think CJ is determined to acquire every console ever made, and he's well on his way there. Someday he's going to have to open a museum or something.

HAPPY WEEK: CJ's Birthday is on Wednesday, and the festivities have already begun. In today's mail he received he received a nice card from Nonnie and Bops and an eBay gift card. He LOVES spending time treasure hunting on eBay, so he is thrilled!

For dinner tonight we did something out of the ordinary - we went to McDonald's. The kids were thrilled, they so rarely get to eat there.

The Ballard McDonald's has a big play park inside, so the kids got some exercise, too.

CJ really liked the McDonald Land map, and asked me to take a picture of it.

BOARD: This afternoon Annabelle invented a board game. She and CJ played for awhile. The rules sounded complicated. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that one has to spend hundreds of hours playing and tweaking to come up with a really good board game. This one looks like it has possibilities...
    And I am really looking forward to reading the books. Both stories sound interesting.
