Friday, June 17, 2011

Finally Friday

It's been a long week from where I'm standing. Big projects every day, and today was the biggest project of all this week - getting ready for the recital.

I was frosting bows onto the ballet slipper cookies starting around 5:50 a.m. By 7:30, we'd run to QFC to buy a few pints of berries, which got the dipped in melted candy or chocolate treatment before being dusted with colored sugar crystals or chocolate sprinkles. I also made a couple of plates full of strawberry faces, like I made for the kids' dinner a couple of nights ago. I knew there would be lots of young kids at the recital tonight and I thought they'd get a kick out of them.

We also made a batch of gluten-free brownies (which were SHOCKINGLY moist and tasty, BTW) from a Bob's Red Mill mix. I topped them with Hershey's Kisses. The kids' job was to unwrap the Kisses. We made a timed contest out of it.

Poor CeeJ, Annabelle absolutely smoked him!

GOING FISHING: Midday we had some errands to run, including picking up a tube of pink lipstick at Fred Meyer for Annabelle. That's right. Annabelle's lipstick. We've been told (repeatedly, mind you) that the girls are to wear a little lipstick and blush tonight at their ballet recital. (Shudder shudder and insert visions of Jon Benet Ramsey and "Toddlers in Tiaras" here).

"How do I look?" Annabelle asked after applying the new pink lipstick we'd just picked up. She was quite pleased with the purchase and was clearly looking for compliments. "Well how do I look, CJ?" She pressed.
"You look great!" he said, sounding genuine.

But that wasn't enough for Bee's ego/ears. "On a scale of 1 to 10," she pressed, "how good do I look?"

I held my breath and waited for CJ's answer ...

"Thirteen!" he declared with enthusiasm.

Aw, what a nice brother.

"Thirteen?" Annabelle scoffed. "I said on a scale of one to TEN."

At that point I, of course, told Annabelle to knock it off and tell CJ thank you.

READY IN THE WINGS: This afternoon we built a Bun of Steel out of Bee's hair. I'm pretty sure it was bulletproof by the time we were done.We headed to Magnolia Village about 4:30. There she got into costume, and every time I turned around she was trying to put on more lipstick and more blush. I finally had to cut her off.

Annabelle had a bag o' supplies with her backstage. I'd packed a brush, some bobby pins, ponytail holders, some gel, the dreaded makeup and Kleenex in it. Nothing that out of the ordinary, unless, of course, you're Mean Girl.

She was there, of course, and I heard her pestering Annabelle, asking in a snotty (rather than say, curious) way, "Why do you have so much stuff in your bag?" Annabelle told her so that she'd be ready for the show, and in case other people needed something. And sure 'nuff, her hairspray, bobby pins and gel were all borrowed by other people(s) at some point. I'm guessing that's probably what made Mean Girl mad. Whatever.

The recital ran like a well oiled machine - major kudos to Bee's ballet teacher. Rick and Ken came to the show and we all enjoyed the groups' performances. It was pretty dark in the 'auditorium' (school cafeteria with a stage), so my digital camera was struggling. I only got a couple of mostly crappy shots. As you can see here, Annabelle takes her ballet seriously. ;)If you want to see Bee in action, check out these YouTube links. Bee's pretty easy to pick out - she's the smallest one. (She was 'called up' about 2 months ago from the minors to participate in this group of older girls.)

1 comment:

  1. I was just searching for ballet slipper cookies on google and ended up watching a minute of your adorable daughter at her ballet recital. Put a big smile on this mommy's face. Precious and graceful :o)
