Thursday, June 16, 2011

Play Dough

I SEE YOU: Last night Christian left his magnifying goggles laying on a table in the house. (He'd brought them up the night before, when he was trying to help Annabelle extract a sliver.)

This morning CJ tried the goggles on for size. "Your head's big!" he said immediately, looking my direction. He spent the next few minutes exploring familiar digs through new googly eyes.

SHOE IN: Seems like a lot of today revolved around shoes. We spent most of the morning making some cookies for Annabelle's recital tomorrow night. We found a cute ballet shoe cookie template on line, so we printed it out and cut it out and then had the pleasure of cutting every cookie out without a true cookie cutter. That took awhile. ... This evening, we began decorating them, outlining and then "flooding" them with pink royal icing. Tomorrow they get candy ribbons and satin bows.

SHOES, PART TWO: This afternoon the kids' best yoga buddy came over for a couple hours of fun. She and Annabelle spent most of the time playing dress up.
Kirby even got in on the action. I do believe it's the first time Annabelle has dressed up the dog. You'd think Kirby would have put up a big fight, but she was just so happy to be included that she rolled with it.We also went up to the park. I was spinning the girls on the twirly-thingee when I heard CJ chastising someone across the park. "You could have hurt him TERRIBLY!" he practically yelled. I go over there to find a 9-ish year old girl who had just given a toddler a ride down the slide on her lap and CJ was giving her holy hell. :0

For, you see, a few weeks ago, our family saw a news report featuring that very park and that very slide and it told the story of a Dad who gave his toddler a ride down and ended up snapping the kid's leg in the process. Apparently the dad hadn't gotten the memo that you aren't supposed to go down kids' slides with kids on your lap.

I de-escalated the situation and then CJ and I had a good talk about ways to disseminate information without sounding too harsh.


  1. Nice shoes. Doesn't surprise me that Kirby likes to play dressup with the other girls.
