Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summertime ...

AND THE LIVIN'S EASY: We here at MPA had a rather lovely July 6th. This morning we got cRaZy and broke out the math books! Followed by (are you sitting down?!) some grammar worksheets. Pretty wild, no?

I was happy to see the kids got right back into the groove of things and had only a couple of minor errors apiece.

In the early afternoon, we had the pleasure of going over to another Magnolian's home for a swim session. These are people we met almost a year ago at a local park. Their daughter is super smart and spirited, about a year younger than Annabelle. They have a lovely inground pool. On our way to their house we passed the public parks and rec pool. It looked like a U2 concert. Seriously hundreds of people in line for a square foot in the not so big pool.

Annabelle splashed around like a dolphin. CJ did a grasp-the-side lap around the pool and then proceeded to ask if it was time to leave yet. Over and over. Believe you me, we had QUITE a conversation about how flippin' rude it is to be invited somewhere and then to ask loudly and repeatedly, "Can we go home?"

It won't happen again.

FREEWHEELIN'!: Annabelle and CJ were sooooooooooooo excited to receive their new scooters today.And what sweet rides they are. With nice, wide wood decks and big wheels - they are cruising in style!THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: For the past few days, our eyes and minds have been on the goings on at the Space Coast. I couldn't help but cue this tune up to accompany breakfast, as the last clock is ticking away down in FLA> On July 4, four astronauts reported to Cape Canaveral for duty. They'll be on board Atlantis, for the final Space Shuttle mission ever.

We've been watching lots of NASA TV lately. Today, we tuned in to a documentary called "Launching Our Dreams: A Shuttle Retrospective." HIGHLY recommended viewing.
Meanwhile, the shuttle cookies we made were winging their way across the country today, from California to Florida. Here's a photo of one. I really think it should have had a first class seat, don't you? ;)

1 comment:

  1. How much would you pay for a seat on the shuttle? How much for a shuttle on a seat?
    Love those cookies.
