So before 9 this morning we were sifting and mixing and measuring. I thought it would be fun to make some red, white and blue cupcakes. Enter the food coloring. ...

We baked 'em ...
And then we frosted them and planted an Old Glory atop each of them. And shortly thereafter, CJ and Annabelle sampled them.

And our flag was still there :) Of course, there's more to the Fourth of July than food, right? And so, I asked the kids, why we celebrate the Fourth.

Annabelle's first response, "Because it's when America was discovered!?"
Um, no. :/
CJ ventured a guess, "Because it's America's birthday?"
Closer ... but there's more to the story. I told them that July 4 was the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, but that it was only a beginning to the formation of our free nation.
To help flesh out the facts we turned to the magic of the Internet.
First, we watched a really cool video introduced by Morgan Freeman - it's the Declaration of Independence read by a collection of popular actors. I think a fair amount of it didn't speak to the kids, but it certainly didn't hurt them to hear it.
This afternoon/evening, we entertained company - Rick and his friend - and had a feast.
And a little after 8 this morning, Christian went and established "Camp Kisky," which we'd scouted out last night on the eastern bluff of Queen Anne Hill, overlooking Lake Union, where the fireworks show is launched. He put out lawn chairs in the street on a dead end in a spot he thought would be a good view.
Our scouting paid off. About 30 minutes before the show, the barge that the fireworks are launched from moved into our direct line of vision. That meant we got the see the fireworks from launch point to explosion. So cool!
Um, no. :/
CJ ventured a guess, "Because it's America's birthday?"
Closer ... but there's more to the story. I told them that July 4 was the day the Declaration of Independence was signed, but that it was only a beginning to the formation of our free nation.
To help flesh out the facts we turned to the magic of the Internet.
First, we watched a really cool video introduced by Morgan Freeman - it's the Declaration of Independence read by a collection of popular actors. I think a fair amount of it didn't speak to the kids, but it certainly didn't hurt them to hear it.
After that, we hopped over to BrainPOP to watch their video about the Declaration of Independence. That helped.
This afternoon/evening, we entertained company - Rick and his friend - and had a feast.

May I also recommend the spectacular musical 1776? I'm told there are some historical inaccuracies, but as far as rousing songs about the Triangle Trade go, it just doesn't get any better.
ReplyDeleteI just read that the Dec. of Ind. was actually signed in August! Another childhood myth destroyed - ah, me.
ReplyDelete@Firstmute - great idea regarding the movie. I don't use resources like that often enough for the kids. Yeah, they might not be 100 percent historically accurate, but it helps raise awareness and interest in subject matter with general audiences. I still remember watching the Disney movie "Johnny Tremain" while a grade schooler. LOVED it and it made me more intersted in the American Revolution.
ReplyDelete@Grandpa R - geez, way to ruin the Fourth of July for us. ;)