Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday Review

ONCE IN AWHILE: I google my name to find out where some of my photos have been used. Recently, I found Bee transformed (lower righthand corner) into a fairy by someone. Interesting...

TRIO: With a due date at Seattle Public Library looming, we read three books this morning. As it turns out, I'm glad we head the deadline to force us to read 'em.First up was "John Muir and Stickeen." The book is subtitled, "An Ice Adventure with a No Good Dog." We read a picture book several months back on the same topic. Both were worthy of checking out. This telling mentioned it was based on Muir's journal entries (and included exerpts in the book), and gave a better detail of his relationship with the dog (Stickeen, named after a native tribe in Alaska). It was an inspiring story about man's best friend and the Sierrea Club founder, to be sure.

Next, the kids and I read "The Apollo 13 Misson: Surviving an Explosion in Space." If that doesn't get your attention, what will? Apollo 13 was supposed to be NASA's third trip to the moon. Instead, when an explosion happened shortly after the three astronauts reached orbit, it became about their survival. They had to live in a lunar module (undersized, under appointed) for four days before moving back to the command module for a dicey trip back to Earth. Compelling reading, to be sure.

Lastly, we read "Elizabeth Leads the Way." Why have I never heard about Elizabeth Cady Stanton before today? Susan B. Anthony has her dollar (which never remotely caught on). Here's a photo of Anthony (standing) and Cady (seated) , from 1900. The (Library of Congress) caption I read says they're looking at a breakfast menu. (?) I'm guessing it's not the Denny's Grand Slam.Awkward breakfast menu photos aside, it's clear to me today that without Elizabeth Cady Stanton's efforts, we girly types might not have been able to vote as "soon" as we did. Too bad Cady Stanton (1815-1902) didn't live to see her efforts pay off. She died 18 years before women finally won the right to vote.

1 comment:

  1. Good history lessons. Cady Stanton and the Apollo 13 astronauts - all with great courage and determination.
