Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Of Writing and Ribbons

WRITTEN UP: This, my friends, is the face of writer's block. More specifically, it's CJ's face while experiencing writer's block. Poor guy.

This torture happened when Annabelle instructed him to write an article for The Daily MPA, a newspaper she founded day before yesterday. In the initial edition, Annabelle wrote a story with a headline of "0 Hits in 1 Punch-Out!" The story read:

CJ, hardcore gamer, beats Don Fleming in Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!

"The 2nd guy to fight is Don," says reporter Annabelle. "He's actually preety hard!"

Good-bye! No more news, here's proof

She drew an arrow and it pointed toward a blank page. :)

CJ, apparently inspired by the aroma still lingering in the kitchen, finally hit upon a headline of "My Mom's New Cookies!"

Breaking the rules of news reporting, he immediately went into first person:

My Mom's cookies are really good!!! I also like them better when they are complete.

My younger sister Annabelle thought they were peanut butter cookies.

And that's it for today's news! See some more news in some days! :)

In case you're wondering "complete" means he prefers the cooked cookies to the cookie dough.

GAG ME: CJ spent a good part of the afternoon being fooled by videos on DanBoe On one level he totally KNOWS these videos are a joke (hence the name, but they're done so well and he wants them to be true, so he gets pulled in while watching.

A couple of his favorites today - an iPhone app to pop popcorn with the phone's screen and a short video about what to do with your old VCRs.

We also spent some time having fun taking The Stupidity Test. CJ was proud to report to me that's he's 0 percent stupid. That's my boy! :)

If you want to give it a go, point your browser here:
ZEN STORY: Today's storytime was "Zen Ghosts" by Jon J Muth. It's a trippy book, starting out with a trio of human friends and their talking panda friend named Stillwater discussing Halloween costumes. After trick or treating, the groups wind up visiting Stillwater's house where another (or not) panda tells them a story about young lovers who are separated (or not) - it's a Zen story about duality, people's spirits - that sort of thing. The kids seemed to enjoy it, and CJ spent several minutes paging through it again when we were done.

EMP ERRAND: We had to swing by the Sci Fi Museum's gift shop today to pick up an item that shall remain nameless. Despite its garish exterior, I really do love that place. We parked a few blocks away from EMP so that we could score free parking. It also gave us a chance to enjoy the sights and sounds around Seattle Center, including this water walk near the Pacific Northwest Ballet Theater. And the kids always enjoy the mazes just west of EMP. Inside EMP, we hung out for awhile in front of the multi-story wall of sound and vision. Lots of visitors were sitting around watching the screen, but CeeJ and Bee saw fit to dance.
BACK IN THE SPANDEX: Annabelle had a ballet dance camp this afternoon, which she always enjoys immensely. The theme for today was "Wooden Shoes and Ribbons Too." When she emerged from class, Annabelle had a streamer in hand. She tried using it in the car, but I put the kibosh on that quickly. When we got home, she did some spinning in the front yard, though.I've been meaning to tell you, we got a letter a couple of weeks ago letting us know Annabelle's ballet teacher is retiring. :( So at the end of this month, she'll be a ballerina without a place to dance. We'll have to see what we can do to remedy that. Stay tuned.

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