Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to Class

OPPORTUNITY: You know all those cardboard boxes you recycle or trash? You don't know what you're missing. :) In our household, each and every one of them gets bedazzled, blinged or somehow otherwise customized. This box turned into "BeeBot." I just regret that you can't hear Beebot's robotic voice - funny stuff.

SPEAKING OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: This afternoon, CJ was playing his Wii. The remote wasn't responding properly and he muttered, "Oh great, this thing's going all HAL on me!"

How in the world does an 8-year old who has never (trust me on this) seen the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey(1968) bust off with a reference like that? Gotta blame/thank the Internets, I'd say.

Today marked the kids' first day back to 'school,' albeit a very non-traditional school. Last year, they attended just a single class apiece (science) there. This year, I've signed them up for science, music, LEGO science/construction and an activity hour (mixed bag). Bee also opted for a 3-D art class. So, this year is shaping up to be a lot more "schooly" than last year was, with the single weekly class.

As we were driving to school, I asked the kids if they knew what making a good first impression meant. They both offered up pretty good definitions. We talked about how you only get one chance to make a good first impression and how they should be on their Very Best Behavior from day one.

The kids had a spring in their step as we headed into the building.We arrived a few minutes before Bee's 11 a.m. art class and went straight to the library, to return a couple of books from last year. CJ also got straight into playing with the Photobooth software on the computers there.
OUT BACK: While Bee was in class, CJ and I went to the field behind the school. He mostly played on equipment while I walked laps around the track. (Too bad Kirby wasn't there for the action.

We also ventured to the forest-y area behind the school grounds. There, we found a fort someone(s) had started to construct. After class, Annabelle reported that she made a volcano and a tank out of clay. She didn't have anything to show us, tho, so I'm guessing they're still in the classroom drying.

SCIENCE TIME: We're happy to be back to a weekly science class. The first unit of the year is on fabrics. There was a fun experiment today - lab partners (CJ and Bee in today's case) were given fabric samples and a blind bag. Five difference fabrics were in the bottom of each bag, and one partner would feed a fabric sample through a slot at the top of the bag and the other partner would feel that sample and try to find a matching one in the bottom of the bag. BIRDS ON A WIRE: This morning we got a chance to observe a pair of hummingbirds for a couple of minutes (which is a long time when it comes to hummingbirds!). They were perched on a wire outside our kitchen window for a bit before taking off and darting like crazy over the houses to our east. Man, those things can move!

1 comment:

  1. The fabric recognition task is a very cool experiment. Think about doing it with, say, pasta shapes.

    "Going all HAL on me." Never heard that one. Rent the movie for him. And hope the Beebot doesn't go "all HAL" on you.
