Thursday, September 22, 2011

Three Firsts

THREE-FER: Today was an MPA first - we had three, count 'em, three off campus (that means not at home) classes today, all up at the Shoreline school. All three classes were new to the kids.

CJ wasn't hot on that thought this morning. In fact, while still horizontal and under covers he told me his stomach hurt. Knowing the source of his 'pain,' I told him to try drinking some water. He gulped down a cup and reported, "Sorry to burst your bubble, but that didn't help."

I suggested food. He ate some yogurt and while doing so, informed me that even if his stomach got better, his legs hurt too badly to walk to music. I assured him I could carry him if that were the case. I also told him music was not going to be the Musikgarten lessons of months past, but a new class, new teacher, new place. That brightened him up considerably. He politely endured (and actively participated in) those Musikgarten classes, but he didn't love it, to be sure.

On the way to school we reviewed class manners and talked (again) about the fact that you only get one chance to make a good first impression.

When we walked into the music room I was super happy to see instruments everywhere, and immediately the teacher invited the kids to play with them. So they beat some bongos, experimented with the organ, and plunked on a piano. When class time came, the teacher asked them to sit in a circle, and asked them to introduce themselves with their name, age or grade, and an interesting fact about themselves. Most of the kids talked about a favorite sport or a pet. Then came CJ.

"Hello, I'm CJ!" he started with warmth and enthusiasm. He said his age and then he started in with, "When I went to John Hay for kindergarten ..."

Immediately, I'm thinking, "Oh no, he's going to tell them how much he hated school there ..." or something along those lines. Instead, he surprised me.

" ... I had a crush on a girl named Camille." he continued. Everyone (including parents in the room) laughed. CJ wasn't done. "And I still do today," he added. Pretty funny.

They learned a welcome song, and were finishing it when I decided to leave them be and head out to the track to get in some laps. When I returned things were winding down. They were singing a goodbye song and CJ was telling his teacher and classmates "Have a great day!"

Nice. :)

ON THE HUNT: From music it was straight to "Activity Hour," which is a mixed bag required class to participate at the school. We weren't sure what to expect. The kids were happy when they learned today's activity was a school scavenger hunt designed to help them get to know the campus better. They had to decipher clues that led them everywhere from the playground to the commercial kitchen to the climbing wall and many points in between. The hour went quickly.

IN REVERSE: We had 2.5 hours to kill between the second and third classes so we drove north to Wal-Mart in Lynnwood. I haven't been to a Wal-Mart in MONTHS.

There, in the middle of the women's sportswear section I hear CeeJ and Bee having a disagreement. More specifically, Annabelle was disagreeing with something CJ was saying to her. I asked them what was up and CJ explained, "I was trying some reverse psychology on Annabelle. It didn't work."

GREENERY: After Wal-Mart, we still had a little time to kill before their last class of the day, so we stopped at Sky Nursery, which is nearby the school. We perused the plants and checked out the Junior Gardeners Corner. And we spent a fair amount of time critiquing garden art.BRICK TIME: This afternoon's class is a weekly LEGO building workshop. The kids all get neat-o kits and work their way through projects at their own pace. Annabelle's first builds were a policeman and a police car. CJ had to build a truck and a house.In the classroom there's a cool robot the kids got a chance to play with a bit. If they graduate from the basic LEGO building class, come fourth grade or so they can participate in a LEGO robotic team at the school.I stayed for the first 15 minutes or so of the class, so I could hear the class rules and projects. One thing the kids learned today is the class will work on a group build of .... (insert drumroll here) a space shuttle on the launch pad!!! w00t!

While the kids worked on their projects, I used computers in the library to print out some resources regarding the Plants in Space program we're following. When I returned to the classroom, the kids were putting LEGOs away. Before we left, CJ (a.k.a. Mr. Subtle) went up to the teacher and asked, "Did I make a good first impression?"

DOUBLED UP: Annabelle often likes to jump into our bed in the a.m. (and sometimes the very early a.m., as in middle of the night). Last night after she draped both an arm and a leg over me she said, "This is like a double hug." :)


  1. Sounds like Shoreline is going to be really a good part of your program.

  2. First thing this a.m. I watched Emanuel's audition on the British X Factor, then hopped to MPS. My eyes were already tearing, then overflowed when reading about CJ and Bee--such lovely, fortunate children.

  3. Aw, thanks Nonnie. :) Now, I need to go hunt down that audition video on YouTube. You sent us a link before - it's amazing!
