Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Super Tuesday

WE'RE WITH THE BAND: Just before midday we made our way to the University of Washington campus. There, we were meeting a friend and his band mates who need some publicity photos.

Because they wanted 15 damn dollars to park on campus, we turned around at the toll booth and parked several blocks away. The kids, Kennedy and I hauled equipment from the car to the west end of campus and met the group.

From there, we walked a few more blocks, deeper into the campus and to the waterfront. It was nice walking around buildings we usually just whiz by in a car. And, mercifully, the weather was cooperating - sunny skies and not too terribly much wind.
A number of the buildings we passed had to do with ocean sciences and/or fisheries. I pointed out to the kids that if they wanted to be water-related scientists, a great school is just 8 minutes or so from home!

Fortunately, the photo shoot went pretty well. I believe I have a number of images that should work for the band. The kids were really great during the shoot. They stayed (mostly) out of the way and played along the waterfront trail together.

PRIMARILY:  This afternoon, after doing some math and studying for their science test tomorrow, I asked the kids if they knew what Super Tuesday was. They made some comical guesses, all of which were wrong. I then explained to them that it is one (kinda big) step in the process to presidential election.

Happily, BrainPOP's featured movie today was Primaries and Caucuses. We watched their video a couple of times, and then the kids each took the review quiz. They did pretty well, getting 8 of 10 right. Afterward, they read the related Q&A about elections.

ACTING UP: This afternoon CJ had his acting class. He loves it as much as ever. On the way to the car he said, "This is going to be fun!" and on the way home in the car I asked him how class was. "It was great!"

That's high praise coming from a kid who basically isn't a huge fan of any other class about any other thing.

OVER AND OUT: This one's going to be short. I have a whole lotta Photoshopping to do.


  1. What's the band's name?

    I know a little about that School of Oceanography, having spent a couple of years there. Learned a lot of stuff that still is useful, 50 years later. Better plan on years of grad school if Oceanography is your passion.

    1. The band: https://www.facebook.com/andthebackbeat
