Friday, November 30, 2012

November's Final Friday

HO HO HO: It's the last day of November. Too soon to be posting Santa photos? Probably. But nonetheless, here's the Jolly Ol' Elf outside a boutique in Ballard yesterday after yoga. 

Tho it's early in the season, Annabelle poor Santa had a rather large hole in his crotch. Ouch. Hope the poor guy makes it until Christmas.

ALL ABOARD: This afternoon we had to go to Group Health. I hate going there, because I think of the entire campus as a festering Petri dish. From the second we pull into the parking lot until we're back in the car, I'm hissing "Don't touch anything! Don't touch anything! Don't touch anything!" at them.

And then, we get up to the second floor, and there's this furniture/climb on thing shaped (rather poorly) like a train and the kids are DYING to climb on it. I relented, and then hosed them down with a stream of Purell afterward. ;)
MATH MATTERS: We're still plugging through the Singapore Math book, lately the exercises have been about dividing involving fractions. At times, there are differences of opinions as to what the answers are ...
NASA LAFFS: This morning my Facebook feed featured this graphic. ...
The kids and I LOLed, because we are huge nerds. :)

MAS MURAL: We spent a few hours today on the mural in Annabelle's room. We started drawing characters and some background on the wall today. The trick will be stitching it all together. I'm sure it will all turn out somehow.

1 comment:

  1. Water on Mercury!!!! That's amazing. Goes against every sci-fi story I've ever read
