Thursday, August 22, 2013

Music & More

PICKIN' AND GRINNING: I try to remember to have the kids practice guitar every day. I think I'm successful about 70 percent of the time.

Today's jam session included them dueting on Pink Floyd's "Breathe." They managed to sound somewhat like this.

CERTIFIED:  An email came this morning letting us know we could check Coursera to see if we passed our "Science of Gastronomy" class or not. Fortunately, we all earned certificates of completion.  CeeJ and Bee printed theirs out and stuck them in their portfolios. Here's CJ's slightly altered cert.

 As I was cleaning up today, I found some of Annabelle's notes from the lecture about gluten.

STICKY SITUATION:  We spent a lot of the day working on sugary stuff, specifically a cake and cookies for Kennedy's birthday.  He's opted for a Jurassic Park theme which has proven to be a challenge.  It's not easy sculpting a hatchling velociraptor out of gum paste.

I think the kids' favorite part of the endeavor so far is licking the beaters.

This afternoon we had to go to Bartell drugstore to buy some candy as an ingredient for part of the project. There, the kids got excited when they spied some Razzles.  We saw a video about their history and how they're made on "Unwrapped" a few weeks back, and the kids have been curious to try them ever since.
So, we bought a pack. I remember them from when I was a kid.  They haven't changed. They have a nearly flavorless candy coating which dissolves and the stuff turns into gum, which is completely flavorless, just like when I was a kid. Ah, memories. ;)

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