Monday, May 13, 2019

Building Blocks

CLASSY: Today was the very first day one could sign up for classes at CJ's college of choice, South Seattle. So, of course, we were on top of it and had an appointment for 8 a.m. on the first day of sign ups! That guarantees all the class options are still open.

We met with a friendly and competent admissions counselor. She asked CJ a number of questions about his aspirations. He shared that at this point he's interested in library science, and so she helped him chart his course.

As of now, he's officially signed up for three classes (worth a total of 15 credits) this fall. The classes are Japanese, a history course (Renaissance) and a humanities class (film studies with a historical bent). I think he'll really enjoy all three of them.
Above, CJ signs on the dotted line for the classes. Below, he tries to get an ID card to no avail (technical difficulties). We'll give the card a go another day.
WORK IN PROGRESS: So, it's been a whole week or so since the kids made a cake. They're overdue.

We recently perused the Birthday Dreams' website in search of a fun cake project that fits our timing and skill set. The kids picked a mermaid-themed cake for a local 18 year old. 

Today, CJ baked a chocolate cake and a vanilla cake, and Annabelle worked on modeling chocolate accents.

Below, CJ adds an extra touch - some mini chocolate chips in the mocha chocolate filling. 
The top tier of the cake is a custom vanilla confetti cake with 'dazzleberry' filling. Yummy!

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