Wednesday, May 20, 2020

In Brief

MORNING WORK: While I was in training for the new job, CJ and Annabelle were busy in classes. First up was Japanese. There was a video lecture and then some workbook pages to do. 

A bit later, Annabelle had an art class. The theme was painting your pandemic (pet) buddy.
So, yeah, we have two of our own dogs she could have painted, but Annabelle went with the best boys, the Dobie brothers, Pretzel and Strudel. First there was a sketch.
And here's the photo that inspired it. Yes, both of the Dobermans (Dobermen?) are on my bed in the picture. It's from a couple of years ago - I was doggy sitting while Christian and the kids were off chasing a total eclipse of the sun!
Anyway, Annabelle wasn't real happy with the class. She said the teacher was going way too fast, and she wasn't happy with the final product, especially Pretzel's face. 
I told her not to sweat it - not every at bat is a home run, that's for sure! And I'm sure she learned something(s) during the process. 

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