Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Short Stuff

SLUGGO: This morning, when I let the dogs out, for some reason Laika bolted for the front yard. (The dogs are supposed to 'go' in the back yard.) I'm guessing Laika was after a bunny. They're super numerous this spring on our hill, to the point the top post on our neighborhood 'Nextdoor' page today was rabbit recipes!

Anyway, I followed the dogs down our outdoor steps, and on the way down, I glanced over at our second generation spaghetti squash plants to see how they were doing. These guys grow so fast, it's like they nearly double every day. But today ... OMG, what happened to them?! They looked all torn up. I bent down for a closer look and spied an extra ugly slug on one of the leaves.

I suppose I should have just re-homed the slug, but ... I picked up a brick that happened to be right there, and used it to scrape the slug off and then it got personal. I feel a little bad, but no one/thing messes with our babies!

After this drama, I continued down to find the dogs. 

Kirby was nowhere to be seen in this sea of green. Our clover lawn is about a foot high, which makes it a jungle to a dog the size of Kirby. 
Eventually, she emerged from the flora.

SPEAK UP: Here's some homework CJ had to submit for his Japanese III class recently. Christian filmed it for him. In the video, CJ is answering questions his professor asks. I wonder what the heck they're talking about. ;)

In any event, I would suggest that next time, CJ either make his bed or have his dad shoot it from the opposite side. ;)

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