Thursday, May 14, 2020

Ups and Downs

LAUNCHIVERSARY: On this day 10 years ago, we four were sitting on the ground on the Causeway, waiting for the thrill of a lifetime, the launch of STS-132, a space shuttle mission to the International Space Station.

We'd flown down to Florida with tickets and high hopes, as launches don't always go off as scheduled due to weather, technical difficulties or any number of things that can go wrong.

However, Lady Luck was on our side and the went off without a hitch. It was such a sight to behold!

Today, we watched the video I filmed during the launch. It's not the greatest footage. I was concentrating on watching the launch with my own two eyes, plus taking some photos and shooting some video. That said, I'm glad we have it as a keepsake. 

Speaking of manned spaceflight, the SpaceX launch of two astronauts from Cape Canaveral to the International Space Station is just two weeks away! I'm a part of a Facebook group counting down to that launch, and everyone is so excited! Multiple people posted links to a 'game' they're playing online right now. It's a simulator where you try to dock the Dragon capsule to the ISS. The site allows you to familiarize yourself with the controls of the actual interface (!) the NASA astronauts will use to dock. "Movement in space is slow and requires patience & precision," the site notes. Pretty cool!

INSIDE JOB: Yesterday evening, CJ cracked open his computer's case and gave it a good dusting. (Boy, was it dirty in there!) Also, under Christian's tutelage, CJ installed a new WiFi adapter card in the box. 
It's good to get to know your computer's guts!

TRYING FRYING: Our pandemic kitchen adventures continue. A new tool in our arsenal is a shiny air fryer that I received for Mother's Day.

Last night we tried homemade fries in it for the first time. They were crisped up and gloriously golden within 20 minutes. 
After dinner, we did some old fashioned frying, oil and all.

Annabelle had stumbled across a two-ingredient recipe for donut balls. How easy does that sound? What could possibly go wrong?

The recipe called for a cup of self-rising flour and 6.5 ounces plus 1/2 tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt. We didn't have self-rising flour, so made our own by adding a little baking powder and salt to all purpose flour. We stirred that and the yogurt together and got our first indication that this wasn't the greatest recipe. The dough looked terrible - way too stiff and flour-y. We decided to give it a go anyway.

We were instructed to heat our oil to 325 F. It seemed to be taking a loooong time, and the thermometer was just in the high 100s. I finally did the old school test where you drop a few droplets of water into hot oil to see if it starts sizzling. It about leapt out of the pan at us. I think it was about that time Christian appeared in the kitchen with a fire extinguisher. ;)
Knowing that the oil was *plenty* hot, we started dropping dough balls (well, lumps, really) into the oil. The first ones burned in less than two seconds, I'd say. 

I removed the pan from the heat, and we dropped some more. Eventually, they got lighter, which was good. 
What was not good was their taste. They were just ick, even with chocolate and strawberry icing on them. 

So, we won't be making these again any time soon!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe self-rising flour is a little more involved than the bakers thought?
