Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Beachy Keen

SEASIDE: MPA has a change of venue for a few days. On Sunday, we drove down to Gearhart, which is just north of Seaside, Oregon. We're staying in what used to be Christian's paternal grandpa's house again. Built in 1941, it's right on the beach front. I was saying to the kids last night that it's very odd looking out the window and not seeing a single man-made structure between us and the horizon. 

When we arrived, the local herd of elk was hunkered down on a hillside right across from our driveway.

How many can you spot? There are at least 20 in this frame.

We spent Sunday getting settled in. The dogs seem right at home here. 

We're doing our usual things - homework and work work - but just in a different place. CJ has lots of writing and reading to do for school, but he's also taking time out for a little craft project, finally piecing together a Perler bead kit he got for Christmas.

Below are Annabelle and Christian at their temporary work stations. 
The weather on Sunday and Monday was crazy miserable. Sheets of rain coming down sideways. We spent some time mopping up leaks around the windows and hoping for a break in the weather. Finally, last night at sunset the clouds started to break up.

Tuesday morning has brought blue skies and whitecaps on the Pacific. Once the kids get up and about, we'll definitely get out and enjoy it while we can!

STORYTELLERS: A couple of days back, an email from Seattle Parks & Rec popped up. One of the items included was news of a free class for teens coming up, "SoundBites: Exploring storytelling and radio journalism."

The description read, "Join KUOW’s RadioActive Youth Media for a deep-dive into audio storytelling. Each session will focus on a different topic, including narrative storytelling, interviewing like a broadcast journalist, and hosting a podcast. These sessions are geared toward youth who are interested in writing, storytelling, journalism, podcasting, and amplifying youth voice. You can attend each session, or choose just the sessions you’re most interested in." It runs for five weeks, mid March through April. 

I hopped online and signed the kids up. I've long suggested to CJ that he might want to start a history-related podcast some day, and Annabelle might be interested in a D&D-themed show in the future. KUOW is Seattle's NPR station, so this class seems like a great place to learn about broadcasting today.

REWIND: A couple of scenes from last week. First up is a classic Parker Brothers' game, Waterworks. My sister and I spent hours and hours playing this in the 1970s. It's still plenty fun, even though I never seem to win.

The sketch below is from Annabelle's Friday night Gage art (virtual) get together. 

I thought she did a great job.

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