Friday, February 19, 2021


SOL 1: So many cool shots already coming from the Perseverance mission! For instance, the one above from is part of a video taken by several cameras as NASA’s Perseverance rover touched down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021. (I can't wait to see the whole video). This pic of the rover being lowered was taken by a camera aboard the descent stage. 

And in the photo below, taken by Mars Reconaissance Orbiter, the rover's capsule is under parachute is a tiny speck mid frame. However, you can see it more clearly in the blown up square. 

             Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The photo above is even more amazing when you ponder the fact that MRO was traveling over 1,000 miles per hour and was over 400 miles away when it captured the image of the rover closing in on Jezero Crater.

If you haven't had enough of the Perseverance landing coverage yet, check out this one minute recap:

DOUGH GO: Today, we made bagels for the first time.

But ... is it really a bagel if you bake it instead of boil it? I think a purist would say 'no.' So maybe we made some bagel-shaped rolls. 
Anyway, these silicone molds and our Danish dough hook came in very handy.

We made two batches. The first was just flour, baking powder, salt, sour cream, some milk, an egg, and some spices. 
They turned out pretty well! They certainly look like bagels.

The second batch had flour, milk, egg, cinnamon, salt, baking powder, yogurt, a little sugar and some raisins.
Not bad for a first foray. Not sure we'll ever make them again (we don't really eat bagels very often), but it was fun to try something new.


  1. Bagels look delicious. And it's mind boggling to dwell on the fact that the Mars photos are coming from millions of miles away.

  2. Follow up: the bagels taste even better than they look.
