Thursday, September 1, 2011


BEE A CLOWN: We rediscovered this circus leftover a couple of days ago. Annabelle has taken to wearing it for a portion of the day. Maybe she's trying to desensitize me to my clown phobia.

HARVEST TIME: It's September 1 and I am happy to report we finally had another RED tomato to harvest. In fact, we had TWO tomatoes to harvest. That would make THREE this year. How freaking pathetic is THAT?The kids were excited about the red tomatoes, but Annabelle was nonplussed regarding their size. "Tomatoes are supposed to be size of your fist, not the size of a pebble!" she protested. I explained to her that we were picking cherry tomatoes which are supposed to be the size of a cherry. She felt better about it after that.

Try as I might (reminding them they eat tons of tomatoes in the form of ketchup, pizza sauce, spaghetti sauce and such), neither one would eat their whole cherry tomato. Here's CJ coming close to taking the plunge, but ultimately he put the brakes on.
Oh well, more for me. ;)

SECOND SEASON: Ever since we harvested all of our lettuce (and we got lots!), our raised planter boxes have looked so naked. So when I saw fall vegetable starts on sale at Fred Meyer today, I was all over that.

We bought three kinds of lettuce, some cauliflower and some onions. The kids helped till the soil, plant and water our new veggies. It looked ever so much better when we were done!
A CONFESSION: This morning in bed, about 6:08 Annabelle came clean. "There's something I can't do," she said, solemnly.

"What's that?" CJ asked, clearly intrigued.

"The classic armpit fart," she confessed, with a sigh.

At that, she and CJ both tried to do it (cupped hand in armpit, with that arm then flapping, trying to create some kind of suction and silly sound). No luck. I told them I couldn't do it either, but that I bet their daddy could. Annabelle and CJ both confirmed that they'd seen/heard him do it before. Guess we can't all be blessed with that talent. :)

SPACE STATION BLUES: As you may have heard, the U.S. is out of the manned spaceflight business now, and we are relying on Russian rockets to transport NASA astronauts to and from the ISS.

Well, our Russian friends have had a little trouble with their rocket launches recently (crashes/explosions), and until they get they get the kinks worked out, our astronauts are, for all intents and purposes, stranded on the ISS. (Insert "Space Oddity" music here.)

At least the astronauts are able to keep a sense of humor about it based on a video we watched today. In addition to poking fun at the situation, the video offers a cool tour of the ISS along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the C.A.F. being exhibited by my big brothers. Never could get it, not that I tried very hard.
