Tuesday, October 29, 2013


SEW STORM:  Halloween is looming. All night, in my semi-sleep, I sewed costumes. It was actually quite productive, as I figured some things out.
We spent the morning sewing, then went to the fabric store in the early afternoon. There, we picked up the fabric we'll need for CJ's flying monkey costume. I will start (and mostly finish, I hope) that tomorrow.

Today, it was about getting the Good Witch mostly done. Mercifully, the skirt is finished. It's very big, which was the goal, so mission accomplished on that.

We also tried out some hot rollers on Annabelle's hair, practicing for Glinda-like ringlets. They were ringlets - for about 5 minutes. We'll have to research on line to see what to do to make them last a whole lot longer.
BUMPY LANDING: Over the weekend, Sierra Nevada Corporation’s Dream Chaser made its first free flight. By all reports the flight went well. The unmanned craft was lifted by a helicopter and then released at 12,000 feet. It glided down toward Edwards Air Force base AOK, but the landing was a little sketchy.  The left side landing gear failed to deploy, so it was a rough landing. The prototype spacecraft. was damaged (to what degree has not been reported) and the runway at Edwards Air Force Base was worse for the wear, as well. 

Sierra Nevada released a video of the exercise. You can see at the end the right-side only landing gear deploy. The footage stops before the craft touches down. 

1 comment:

  1. It flew, it landed exactly where planned, and that's pretty good for a robotic flight. I'm impressed.
